Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of @misnopales.

How to Get Your Free Day of the Dead Stickers:
Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of Jose Pulido AKA @misnopales.
We love Jose. (You may remember him from Our Interview a ways back.) We have been working with him for a long time and we have amassed HUNDREDS of his incredible Pop Culture Calavera Characters. To celebrate the upcoming Dia de Los Muertos, we are giving them away for FREE!

Yep, that’s right. We’re sending out FREE STICKERS by Jose Pulido to anyone who sends a self addressed stamped envelope to:
P.O. BOX 1189
What ‘s an S.A.S.E. !?
Remember getting a real letter in the mail ? An S.A.S.E is a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you, with a stamp on it.
Which Calavera will you get?
Its a calavera mystery but its guaranteed to make you happy. I mean look at this collection! GET YOUR SASE IN THE MAIL ASAP.
As a thank you to Jose Pulido for making this incredible giveaway possible, we’d love for you to share your favorite @misnopales sticker on social media on Dia de Los Muertos (November 1, 2022). And make sure to Tag @Stickerobot too so we can re-share as well :)

Which Calaveras will you get ? It’s a mystery….
Spread the Love to your Friends and Family!
Send an SASE addressed to yourself and your bff. They will get the best surprise in the mail.
We are accepting and stuffing envelopes until October 31st or until we run out of stickers – whichever comes first!
Remember to follow @Misnopales on Instagram. You won’t regret it. And check out his website for more stickers, prints, pins, t-shirts and more. 🖤