The Power of the Slightly Enigmatic Text-Only Bumper Sticker

Oh the power of the slightly enigmatic text-only bumper sticker. The simplicity. The readability. The utterly compelling need to know more.

We’ve collected a few of our favorite bewildering bumper sticker specimens to show you today. These are the type of stickers that’ll make you do a double take and ponder if you may be glancing at some concrete proof of the simulation theory…

rectangular text only bumper sticker

This one comes from @winksrj. Soup and breakfast are not two words you commonly hear grouped together in a sentence, but the almost Big Brother esque workplace reminder to “NORMALIZE SOUP FOR BREAKFAST” leaves us with no option but to cooperate and spread the gospel to whoever will listen.

hand holding a sticker

@hamburgereyes brings us their eponymous, self-titled sticker. It’s hard to go wrong with a classic high-contrast black on white color scheme, especially when you run an incredibly compelling Black and White Photography Magazine. What does it all mean ? Hamburgerize? Whose eyes are hamburgers? Is any of this real?? This one is sure to leave those passer-bys who encounter it questioning the optological reality that we have been conditioned to accept for all these years.

a hand holding a rectangle sticker

It is not a good day to be the one who inspired @youletthewholeteamdown to create this enigmatically-assertive sticker. Did they deserve it? I can’t say. Will it haunt them for the rest of their lives? Probably. Is it one of the most compelling text stickers ever made. We think so.

Do you have an inexplicable sticker of your own that you’d like to bring to life? Or have you encountered one out in the world that you’d like us to analyze? Check out our custom bumper sticker printing or tag us on our Instagram and we’ll take a stab at unearthing its true meaning.

Sticker Robot Custom Stickers