Archive for the 'Custom Stickers' Category

Unboxing Stickers on Instagram…

We print stickers. Lots and lots of stickers. Custom stickers. Die cut stickers. Little stickers. Big stickers. Political stickers… And of course with all of that sticker printing comes sticker shipping. When we’re done printing stickers, we start shipping stickers.. Clear stickers, rainbow stickers, bumper stickers.. Yeah… You get the idea. Sometimes when our customers get their stickers in the mail, they take pictures of their new stickers and tag @stickerobot or @stickerrobot. They’ll post images of their clothing company stickers, pokemon stickers, band stickers, bike stickers… Ok, I’ll shut up now. Anyways, to make a short post long, we pulled some images from Instagram of such glorious sticker unboxing. Here’s a few that jumped out at us. So next time you get your fresh Sticker Robot Stickers in the mail.. Snap a pic and post em online. Ans don’t forget to tag @Stickerobot !   Jose Pulido Mermaid Stickerssticker unboxing Fureek! Stickers sticker robot promo sticker run Elche Chirron  sticker boxing Kizmet Band Stickers box of stickers 82nd North Vape Stickers 82d stickers clothing Smash Fire Design Stickers designcompany-stickers GooseWorks Houston Bike Stickers bikestickers Mis Nopales Stickers misnopales-dayofthedead-stickers Arj Comedy Stickers kisscutstickers Aloha Stickers Katana Tattoo!hawaii-stickers HHHIRAM! sticker-printing-inabox Valhalla Scott’s Unboxing valhalla-awesome-sticker-decals    

10 Questions with the Sticker Artist, Chump Magic

 On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week. 

10 Questions with sticker artist Chump Magic

Based out of Santa Cruz, Ca. Chump Magic‘s custom sticker designs always catch our collective robotic eyes. Their thick lines and high impact graphics really lend themselves perfectly to the silkscreen medium and the end result is always a bold, iconic sticker. We love printing CM’s Banana Monsters and Menacing Octopus Pirates, so we decided to sit down and ask Chump Magic some questions.


Read the Interview below and then get yourself some Free Chump Magic Stickers!

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A Super Custom Sticker Robot…

Check out this Awesome Sticker Robot Character Steve Talkowski made for us!
a customized sticker robot
An Epic Custom Modeled Sticker Robot by Steve Talkowski!
Steve is a Content Creator, Character Designer, and Modeling & Animation Director and he loves a good Robot! Follow this link to see more of Steve’s wok and to Play with the Sticker Robot Mascot in 3D! From Steve, “This was a WIP from awhile back that I recently revisited to experiment with both Keyshot rendering and Substance Painter maps rendered inside Marmoset Toolbag.”
custom sticker robot
Keyshot3D Render
Original character design by our pal Reuben Rude

Burger Boyz Sticker Giveaway

Our old friend, the illustrious pencil wielding Travis Millard and his masterclass creative collaborator Jay Howell just released a new split fountain “Burger Boyz” screen print. Sometimes Travis and Jay eat burgers together and draw on napkins. Their new print is the culmination of such creative dining excursions. Along with said screen print, we silkscreened some delectable clear vinyl stickers to accompany their poster release. And we’re giving away all the extras we managed to get our hands on. Details after the jump. clear_vinyl_stickers

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Sticker Robot Custom Stickers