Craze One
R2-KT is a wonderful charity droid spreading awareness of pediatric illnesses and making visits to children’s hospitals. Please give them a closer look!Death Star Advertorial: 3 out of 4 Stormtroopers Get Their
Stickers Printed At
And Now… The Star Wars Die-Cut Sticker Giveaway! To be entered to win this Awesome Star Wars Sticker Set, simply do these 2 things… 1. Leave a comment below. 2. Share the post! (share the blog post on your website, twitter, tumblr, facebook, G+, etc.) That’s it. We will pick a random commenter. Once we collect their mailing address, we will send the super awesome assorted Star Wars Sticker Set donated from our friend Jose Pulido! So make like a Inebriated Nerfherder and get going!