Update: This Love-filled offer is now over. ♥♥♥
Holy Smokes… You guys LOVE Love! In just a few trips to the post office, we collected HUNDREDS of your envelopes and we exhausted our fat stacks of our Animasoutdoors.com sticker samples.
Don’t worry though! If your envelope arrives after we run out, we will still honor your envelope with other awesome stickers. We ♥ You!
Hey Friends,
Valentines Day is coming up and here at Sticker Robot… FREE STICKERS is our love language.
We’ve got a huge box of gorgeous stickers celebrating the beauty of nature from our friends at animasoutdoors.com and we are giving them all away!

PO Box 1189
Woodacre, CA 94973
Don’t limit yourself!! Address an SASE to a friend, and your Grandpa, and your best friend in Minot, North Dakota.
Put a sweet note in the envelope if you want, we won’t even read it. Slap a stamp on it. Send it our way.
We’ll stuff it with these amazing Animas Outdoors stickers and send it off. SPREAD THE LOVE!
Happy almost Valentine’s Day, sticker loverssssss. And thank you animasoutdoors.com for letting us print this beauty for you!!!
Your Robo-Valentine
* What’s an S.A.S.E. !? It’s a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you (or your dog groomer or your pool boy or your local clog maker), with a stamp on it. We will add some Free ♥ Stickers and send the address on the envelope.