On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.
This week, we caught up with our talented friend and long-time customer, Jose Pulido. Jose makes beautiful, custom made Sticker Calaveras. A Calavera is a decorated skull that celebrates the Mexican “Day of the Dead” holiday.
Over the years Jose has made over 100 Calaveras and we have printed close to 100,000 custom stickers for Jose, (almost all of which have been clear vinyl stickers.) If you are counting, that’s one hell of a lot of transparent Calaveras.
We have worked with Jose on several projects, including our popular Day of the Dead Sticker Packs, but today we’re gonna get down to the questions…
Note: We are giving away a Calaveras T-Shirt and 10 Calaveras Stickers!! Simply share this post & leave a comment below to enter.
1. what makes a good sticker design?
I like to think of stickers as miniature works of art. I think a good sticker design has to stand out and grab your attention.
2. what do you do with stickers anyways?
I like to stick em’ on my sketchbooks and workspace for decoration and artistic inspiration. Also recently put some on my baby’s plastic bathtub to cover up a hole that was leaking. The hole was on the inside of the tub and I was pleased to see how the vinyl sticker held up against water. Haven’t had a leak since.
3. if you could hand one of your stickers to any one person, who would it be?
Rickey Henderson

4. silkscreen or digital?
I definitely prefer silkscreened stickers. Not only do they last longer but I love to feel the texture of the finely printed lines of the black ink on my stickers.
5. mp3 or vinyl?
I’d have to say mp3 as I don’t think I’ve touched a vinyl record since I was a kid. I am still quite fond of cassettes though.
6. what is the last book you read?
A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. I don’t read many books but I just had to find out what Jon Snow was up to. (editor’s note: “Hodor. Hodor… Hodor.” )
7. tell me 3 artists you like
A lot of my inspiration comes from Jose Guadalupe Posada and the Calaveras he created.
Mike Mitchell has been coming out with a lot of great artwork lately.
Richey Beckett is pretty damn good with a pen and I admire his work.

8. tell me 3 websites you like
I really like Etsy. Aside from having a ton of handmade stuff from artists all over the world, it was also the website that allowed me to get my artwork out to the masses and has helped me to make a living as an artist.
I enjoy visiting the Geek Art website. It’s a well put together site with tons of artwork and inspiration.
OMG Posters has a lot of good stuff too..

9. what would you like 1000 of?
Probably 1000 One Hundred dollar bills. With that kind of dough one can buy a whole lot of stickers…
10. what are you working on now / what’s next for you?
This year I’m really trying to increase my productivity overall. I didn’t draw much in 2012 and 2013 so I’m trying to step it up this year and draw way more. I’ve already surpassed my productivity from all of 2013 in just a few months this year, so I hope to release more prints and T-Shirts this year. Hopefully by the end of the year I will have completed more artwork this year than the last 3 years combined.
Oh.. And here’s a photo of Steven King wearing on of Jose’s Shirts. So There…
You can buy all sorts of rad stuff from Jose’s Store Here
You can follow Jose on Instagram and Facebook.
Remember to Leave a comment and share this post!! We are giving away a Calaveras T-Shirt and 10 Calaveras Stickers to a random commenter.