On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.
We came across the work of the sticker artist 1000 Styles a few years ago & were instantly drawn in by his menacing, textural creations.
1000 Styles draws on pilfered USPS labels and makes unique, one-of-a-kind stickers. He uses silkscreen sticker printing to mass produce his characters onto thousands of vinyl stickers and one thing is certain… He never stops drawing. Needless to say, we sat down with 1000 Styles and asked him some questions..
Read the interview below and get yourself some free “Malted Mickey” stickers.
1. what makes a good sticker design?
Something with a lot of impact – heavy linework, lots of contrast. Stickers are small, so you have to work extra hard to get them noticed. I don’t think color is necessary, but can be a benefit.
Smurfette’s evil twin. This flesh-rotted, chronic smokin’, demon-infested psychopath
2. what do you do with stickers anyways?
The best ones get put on the covers of my black books, some others go on my home theater speakers, some get traded, and of course I always like to have a pocketful when I’m out of the house to hit street signs and whatever else needs some vinyl beautification.
Custom, Hand drawn USPS Labels.
3. If you could hand one of your stickers to any one person, who would it be?
Probably my daughter. She loves art and adores me but she’s only 4 so she can’t see any of my work yet, it’s too violent and disturbing for a little kid. I can’t wait for the day when she’s grown up enough not to be affected and I can start showing her my art and maybe even collaborating.
More hand drawn USPS Labels… Killing it.
4. Silkscreen or Digital?
Both. The more art out there the better.
Ol’ Dirty Bart Stickers
5. Mp3 or Vinyl?
MP3 – vinyl is cool and I do collect it when I can but mp3s are cheaper and are just so much easier to handle, use, store, everything. It’s a shame though, because I love album art and mp3’s have pretty much rendered that a thing of the past. Nothing better than seeing some killer album art 12″ wide when you get that new vinyl. Or even CDs. The art, the physicality of it, the experience of opening a record brand new, even the smell. It’s something I really miss with mp3s. I’m old, I grew up on cassettes – opening and listening to a new tape after saving your cash for weeks to buy it – it was a whole day experience! The new generations are missing out.
Popped Eye Stickers
6. What is the last book you read?
“The Man Called Cash” by Steve Turner. It’s a great Johnny Cash biography.
7. Tell me 3 artists you like
Narrowing it down to just three is impossible, but three of my favorites right now would be Florian Bertmer, Rockin’ Jellybean, and Aaron Horkey.
Cool site that’s hard to describe. To quote the site: “The Selvedge Yard is a website by Jon Patrick that celebrates cultural icons in the world of motorcycles, muscle cars, rock & roll, cinema, pin-up beauties, Kustom Kulture, Americana, photography, art, design, menswear, style, literature, and adventure.”
A nicely curated collection of drum and bass mixes organized by style.
DaFont.com – My go to spot for all types of fonts, most of which are free.
Malted Mickey Stickers. Yep, We’re giving these away… See details below.
9. what would you like 1000 of?
Hours in the day. I have so many ideas and pursuits (artistic and non) that I haven’t had a chance to touch on yet. So many things to get into. Life is too short.
10. what are you working on now / what’s next for you?
I recently finished a fresh skate deck graphic for Demon Seed Skateboards, and I have one of my stickers (the minion) being published in Stickerbomb 3, the third publication in a series of books by Stickerbomb celebrating worldwide sticker culture – that will be available by mid-2016 on their site.
I’m also working on a skate deck graphic for Dad’s Skateboards, I’m doing some kickass really labor-intensive lettering/logo work for a company in CA, and I’m always doing stuff for Slumgold and Skimask Glass. Next up after that is a cover for Show Class Magazine and a collaboration effort with Monstery and Me. Staying busy!
Now About Those Free Stickers! (All You Gotta Do is 2 Things…)
Free Stickers, Son.
1. Send an S.A.S.E.* to this address and we’ll drop one in the mail for you.
205 Chestnut Heights Dr.
Liverpool, NY 13088
2. Share this post with your friends & Leave a comment below! We want to spread the word on this Giveaway!
* What ‘s a S.A.S.E. !? It’s a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you, with a stamp on it.
Check out 1000 Styles Store. Get with him on Instagram. And make sure to Share this Interview and leave a comment below!