Oh You lucky Robots and Robettes… For over a decade, we have been printing custom stickers for our pal, world-famous Illustrator, Fontographer and Vector Wizard® Joshua Smith AKA Hydro74 – And every so often we collaborate on a big Giveaway… This time around, we’re turning it UP!Today, we are giving away some of his epic new “kiss cut” Sticker Robot Stickers, a FREE Download of 13 of his unreleased custom fonts, and some of his beautifully designed, royalty-free, vector skull artwork. We even had time for a quick interview with that little devil.. Oh and a video Time lapse of his sticker work in progress too.. Holy shit, this is gonna be good! And it’s all yours… For free. All you gotta dois leave a comment and follow the instructions below.
Episode 1. The Timelapse:
Joshua designed these epic Stickers for us to give away. Be sure to watch the head-scratching, sticker illustration time-lapse below and checkout out his mad technique. He uses Adobe Illustrator and his mouse. That’s it. (And turn up the Sound, that’s our friend BRAIN on the beats.)
Episode 2. The Interview:
We asked Joshua a few questions about his process and what it takes to earn the title, “Vector Jedi.”1. How long have you been designing?
Technically I started around 2000, but I got a couple projects back in 1998 while I was in college, which changed the course of events. Never wanted to be a designer, but saw it as a last attempt to do something that wasn’t working in the service industry (box stores) or a factory. Joys of living in the mid-west in the late 90’s, not many options. It took until about 2005 before things started to click and wasn’t doing all nighters just to make 50 bucks.
2. Why vector related art?
When I started off, I was a jack of all trades. From Quark, Photoshop, Freehand, Dreamweaver, and even diving into Flash and bits of Coldfusion as well because I assumed that in order to be a designer, you needed to know EVERYTHING. It wasn’t until around 2004-5 that I got a project with Endeavor snowboards that things started to click in Illustrator.. Before that, I hand worked at a skateboard / silk-screen company, working in Freehand on press-ready pieces (as well as web.) Something about the vector software was amazing and decided I would rather be a professional at one thing vs trying to accomplish it all… Besides, technology was changing so fast in different areas, that it was virtually impossible to keep up. I really fell in love with vector during the Endeavor project.
3. Do you use a stylus are are you pulling paths with a mouse or a combination of both ?
100% mouse. Only use wacom or iPad if I need to doodle up a crappy sketch to have a rough idea of what I’m clicking or to fake up ideas for clients. Not something I’m great at. Mouse, I have total control of every aspect. Guess it’s like asking why old painters like one brush over the new hyped brush that comes with shortcuts.. A great artist hates shortcuts, and doesn’t rely on other peoples’s tools (brushes, settings, methods, etc) to give them a sense of ‘look at me, I’m a designer.’ No, you are just using other people’s things to develop vs going in and wanting to be prolific and unique. Not hating by any means, some things come in handy, but at the end, I loath the skill-share, need-it-now, lazy aspect that has come to breed in today’s generation of designers. I use an iPad.. Cool.. But that doesn’t make you better, it’s just another tool.
4. Obviously you are crazy proficient, but how long did it take you to make this demon sticker?
Um.. About a hour, hour and a half if that. Was a mess around piece and wanted to test some ideas. Granted 20 years of know how behind it so what takes me an hour is not a realistic time frame for others.
5. OK, so you are giving away stickers galore… If People decorate their envelopes, will you reward them withe extra stickers and other such glorious H74 treasures?
Put in some wrench time, you’ll be rewarded. I honor those that work hard to try to better themselves, even if it’s a doodle. Some time invest vs gimme gimme gimme. Those will still get something, but not much extra thought put into it.
Episode 3. The Font & Vector File Giveaway:
Hydro has bestowed upon us, 13 of his RAD fonts and some sweeeet vector skulls. These are free for anyone and everyone! All you gotta do is complete the following check list and this epic designer kit is yours to do with as you please.
1. leave a comment below
2. share this post with a friend who may appreciate it
3. download the ZIP File hereStickers and Fonts and Skulls, Oh My…
Episode 4. The Sticker Giveaway:
Get some FREE Hydro x Sticker Robot Kiss Cut Sticker Sheets. It’s easy…
1. Leave a comment Below
2. Send in an S.A.S.E. and Hydro will drop one or two in the mail for you!
So Just leave a comment below and send an S.A.S.E. to:
Hydro74 x Sticker RObot
P.O. Box 951567
Lake Mary, Florida
32795 USA™
What ‘s an S.A.S.E. !?
Remember getting a real letter in the mail ? An S.A.S.E is a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you, with a stamp on it. And you heard the man… Decorate your envelope and be rewarded for your creative efforts.
Episode 5. The Gallery:
Here’s some great stickers that Joshua has printed with us over the years. New H74 Sticker Packs (And Pins and Patches and Prints!) are available through his website. Go support the artist and decorate your life with unmitigated radness.
Episode 6. The Summary:
So thats it, my friends… If you play your cards right, you are gonna walk away with a couple of Free stickers, 13 free fonts, Some Sweet Skellie clip art and hopefully a whole bunch of design inspiration! Order epic stickers through his website and you can always order your own custom stickers with us anytime you like.
Thanks for taking the time to read along, hope you all enjoyed this one. Please leave comments below and Share This Post with your friends who might dig it!