Archive for the 'Art & Design' Category

A Dia de Los Muertos Sticker Giveaway


Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of @misnopales.

How to Get Your Free Day of the Dead Stickers:

Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of Jose Pulido AKA @misnopales

We love Jose. (You may remember him from Our Interview a ways back.) We have been working with him for a long time and we have amassed HUNDREDS of his incredible Pop Culture Calavera Characters. To celebrate the upcoming Dia de Los Muertos, we are giving them away for FREE!

Epic Dia de Los Muertos Stickers

Yep, that’s right.  We’re sending out FREE STICKERS by Jose Pulido to anyone who sends a self addressed stamped envelope to:


P.O. BOX 1189 



What ‘s an S.A.S.E. !?

Remember getting a real letter in the mail ? An S.A.S.E is a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you, with a stamp on it.


Which Calavera will you get? 

Its a calavera mystery but its guaranteed to make you happy.   I mean look at this collection!  GET YOUR SASE IN THE MAIL ASAP.  

As a thank you to Jose Pulido for making this incredible giveaway possible, we’d love for you to share your favorite @misnopales sticker on social media on Dia de Los Muertos (November 1, 2022).  And make sure to Tag @Stickerobot too so we can re-share as well :)

Sticker Assortment by Jose Pulido

Which Calaveras will you get ? It’s a mystery….

Spread the Love to your Friends and Family!  

Send an SASE addressed to yourself and your bff.  They will get the best surprise in the mail.  

We are accepting and stuffing envelopes until October 31st or until we run out of stickers – whichever comes first!

Remember to follow @Misnopales on Instagram. You won’t regret it. And check out his website for more stickers, prints, pins, t-shirts and more. 🖤

Draw Sticker Robot, Win Some Stickers.


Draw a Sticker Robot? Tell me more…

We’ve talked about doing this for a million years and it’s finally happening:  Sticker Robot’s First Ever DRAW A STICKER ROBOT Campaign Yeeeeeeee™

We’ve seen so many incredible renditions of our beloved mascot through the years.  It thrills us every single time.   And now we want to see YOURS.


The Rules:

The rules are simple. Re-imagine our beloved Sticker Robot Mascot.

We want this campaign to be a celebration of robot art for all ages and mediums.  So, please encourage anyone you know to enter – From now through June 17th!

Send us your art via photo, pdf, tiff, animation or any digital medium.
(submission instructions below)

There will be prizes awarded…

We’re not calling this a contest, but it’s more fun if we give things away, right?  There will be prizes awarded:

   1.  One participant will be awarded:  1,000 Stickers!
This can be a design of your choosing: your robot or a completely different design.
(max size 3″ x 4″)

   2.  Three ADULT participants will be awarded:  250 Stickers
This can be a design of your choosing: your robot or a completely different design.
(max size 3″ x 4″)

   3.  Three CHILDREN participants will receive:  A stack of 50 robot Stickers printed with their awesome Sticker Robot design.


Submitting Your Art:

Art can be submitted two ways.  We want to celebrate all submissions:

   1.  Share it on Instagram. Please tag @stickerobot & use our hashtag #stickerobot

   2.  Email us at [email protected]


That’s it!

We are so excited to see what you come up with.  You all have no idea.

❤️ Sticker Robot


A Gallery of our Beloved Sticker Robot Mascot

A Super Custom Sticker Robot…

Check out this Awesome Sticker Robot Character Steve Talkowski made for us!
a customized sticker robot
An Epic Custom Modeled Sticker Robot by Steve Talkowski!
Steve is a Content Creator, Character Designer, and Modeling & Animation Director and he loves a good Robot! Follow this link to see more of Steve’s wok and to Play with the Sticker Robot Mascot in 3D! From Steve, “This was a WIP from awhile back that I recently revisited to experiment with both Keyshot rendering and Substance Painter maps rendered inside Marmoset Toolbag.”
custom sticker robot
Keyshot3D Render
Original character design by our pal Reuben Rude

Awesome Sticker Design – From Illustration to Printing

Some call him the Vin Diesel of Adobe Illustrator. Others call him the Terence Trent D’Arby of Vector, but most people call him by his real name Hydro74. Regardless of what you call him, this guy’s got serious skills with a mouse and he can point and click with the best of them.

Watch Hydro74‘s sticker design process video below and get some FREE Stickers!

custom sticker printing

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10 Silkscreen Poster Artists You Should Be Following on Instagram (Part1)

silkscreen sticker and poster artists to follow on instagram

Here at Sticker Robot, we love the art of silkscreen. We love it so much that we built a business around it. Yep, Printing silkscreen stickers.

Silkscreen printing is an ancient technique, started in China thousands of years ago and we employ it everyday. The print medium takes lots of time and effort, but there’s no denying the extreme level of quality when you hold a silkscreen print (or sticker) in your hands… The thick ink, the textural feel of the material, even the smell of the print itself.

Like a fine wine or a custom cobbled pair of dancing shoes, once you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to go back to drinking ripple from a box and wearing crocs to the ballroom.

A while ago, we posted a feature on 10 Sticker Artists To Follow on Instagram. It was highly adhesive. Sometime thereafter, we made another blog post called, 10 Visual Artists You Should Be Following on Instagram which shared links to some great working artists.

This time, because of our affinity for the craft, we’re putting together a list (in no particular order) of 10 Silkscreen Poster Artists You Should Be Following on Instagram.

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Wacom Cintiq Companion 2: A Casual Review By A Graphic Artist

So, you read the title and have obviously clicked to read my inner most thoughts on the Wacom (pronounced: “W”- “æ/ə/eɪ/o/” -“com”)* Cintiq Companion 2.
Either that, or my racy meta tags tricked your favorite search engine into a stop off in Dissapointmentville®. Either way, here we are. So let’s talk about the new portable Wacom Cintiq Companion 2. 

First, Some Confessions…

Confession I: I love technology. Even the questionable stuff.
Confession II: I am platform agnostic. I don’t dismiss options based on personal preferences.
Confession III: As a result, I don’t think Microsoft is the pc devil.
Confession IV: I once stole a caramel from the supermarket and lived with that guilt for years.

I make those confessions so you know that as a designer, I’m not laying naked with my Apple products while thumbing my nose at the perceived ‘corporate greed/band-wagon-hate-train’ of Microsoft. (The irony being quite palpable in the era of iterative iDevices, not withstanding.)

And my last preface, is that if you really wished this product was BOTH cheaper and ran Yosemite, you might want to think long and hard about what you just said before that premium-priced-paradox creates a rift in the space/time continuum worthy of causing the Enterprise-D to encounter the long missing USS Enterprise-C!**

Working on the Companion 2 with any Bluetooth keyboard isn’t necessary thanks to the Express Key’s and ability to create On Screen hotkeys. Unfortunately, old habits die hard so i still have a keyboard around for now…

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A Robotic Rock Poster in Progress…

Over the past several years, we have been curating a custom silkscreen poster series for the band Primus. So far we’ve made over 100 unique posters, each for a different show, created by maybe 70 different artists in all.

The entire series thus far can be seen here.

A few night’s ago, we unveiled a Rad Robotic Primus Poster by design studio and vector pros, DKNG. and they made a great progress video of their process. Check it.


Check out more poster details here!

50 Super Iconic Marvel Comic Hero Illustrations

Not merely content with creating the most stunning array of pop culture portraits, and then later reconstructing them; The ridiculously talented illustrator, Mike Mitchell has outdone himself. Again.

This time Mike has teamed his talent with Mondo Gallery and a (small indie comic) publisher named Marvel to incite a collective aneurysm amongst comic nerds and pop culture aficionados the world around…


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Sticker Robot Custom Stickers