Our friend and talented artist, EMEK has once again unleashed his wit and graphic prowess in the form of a new Sticker Campaign mocking America’s favorite fear-mongering gun lobbyists, The NRA.
In the wake of so many tragic assault-weapon-charged acts of violence, including Colorado Springs, San Bernardino and the Paris attacks at the Eagles of Death Metal concert, the NRA once again looks to capitalize on the turbulence and warns of “demons at our doors in the age of terror“ to promote membership.
We gave away all of our signed NFA stickers, but don’t despair… Sticker packs & T Shirts are now available, details below.
Here’s a look at the talented illustrator, Zombie Yeti’s digital drawing process for some self-GMO-labeling stickers that we recently produced.
These custom stickers were designed with the intention that, since the US government refuses to label GMO food, we can simply do it ourselves. We gave them away for free on our blog until we ran out and we wanted to show you Zombie Yeti’s creative process on his rad sticker design.
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Honor the Treaties is an organization dedicated to amplifying the voices of Indigenous Communities through art and advocacy & Sticker Robot is printing and giving away vinyl stickers (designed by Ernesto Yerena & Shepard Fairey) to help support this important cause.
You can get a Free Sticker (info below) or you can order some Wholesale Stickers from The Sticker Robot Store. Read More →
An Arizona High school English teacher named Tarah Ausburn put a Bumper Sticker on her Prius. In fact, all in all, Tarah put about 30 political bumper stickers on her Prius….