Archive for the 'Interviews' Category

10 Questions with Sticker Artist & Creature Crafter Amin Al-Jamal

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.

ten question interview with sticker artist ardent xeno

10 Questions with Sticker Artist Amin Al-Jamal

We have known Amin for many years and throughout that time, his relentless creative drive has never ceased to amaze us. Ardent Xeno Art, as he is better known online, spans many creative mediums from sculpting to illustration, dungeon mastering to poster design and of course, his character design on custom stickers are always epic.

Amin is also an acting Entomologist at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and is currently in the process of earning a master’s degree in Arachnology.

Did we mention that he’s only 25 years old?

Nothing we tell you in this little intro will prepare you for the scope of Amin’s unparalleled creativity, so we’ll just let him speak for himself… 

We sat down with Amin and asked him 10 questions. Let’s get to it.

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Collage, Street Art and Human Connection: The Stickers of Philip DeMartino

Where My Eyes Land

We’ve been printed up many a sticker for customer Philip DeMartino and its been hugely inspiring for us to follow his project online @wheremyeyesland.

Philip’s work is a collision of collage, street art and urban portraiture. And where a lot of sticker art is a strictly visual pursuit, @wheremyeyeland adds another dimension with the unexpected human connection that comes from photographing an anonymous stranger holding a sticker.

We were thrilled to ask Philip a few questions about his work. We hope you will enjoy his thoughtful answers below.

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10 Questions with Silkscreen Poster & Sticker Artist, Todd Slater

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.


10 Questions with Todd Slater

Ladies and Gentlemen, Robots and Robettes, meet the reigning king of vector gig poster art, the animal (and enamel) aficionado, the silkscreen sticker slinging savant, Todd Slater!

Todd has been making highly collectible Rock and Movie Posters for decades and has amassed a huge following of avid collectors. His portfolio of work is unmatched, having created posters for bands from The Beastie Boys, Slayer, Madonna, The White Stripes, Neil Young, Radiohead, Pearl Jam and Green Day… And movie posters for films like The Big Lebowski, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, Evil Dead 2 and Repo Man (some of our all time favorites!)  The list goes on and on and on…

We sat down with Todd and asked him 10 questions… So let’s get to it!

Note: We are giving away one of Todd’s coveted Grateful Dead Posters!! Simply Leave a comment and share this post to enter!  Read More

10 Questions with Silkscreen Print and Sticker Artist Mike Mitchell

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.

The esteemed & endeared silkscreen sticker artist and telescopic deep-space watcher, Mike Mitchell, is one of favorite illustrators. Today we decided to ask him a few questions about his artistic process.

1. what makes a good sticker design?

I’m still trying to figure that out, but I’m gonna go with clarity. If it’s not being seen, or understood, it’s not really working. 


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10 Questions with Poster Printing Specialist and Sticker Artist AJ Masthay

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.

AJ Masthay is a prolific artist, a world class illustrator and an exceptional old-school printer. It’s hard to fathom how he manages to turn out so many prints, especially considering the means in which he produces his work…

You see, AJ’s artwork starts as a pencil drawing, then becomes a linoleum carving (Yes, he carves every color plate with a KNIFE!), before finally being hand printed and seeing the light of day as an extremely high quality, one-of-a-kind edition of art prints. In addition to posters, AJ also loves making silkscreen stickers.. And that’s where we come in! 

Note: We are giving away some of AJ’s awesome new Disco Diver Stickers! Leave a comment, Share this post & see details below. 

interview with sticker artist aj masthay

AJ is in a class of his own. We are big fans of his work. So let’s get down to it… 10 Questions with AJ Masthay.

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10 Questions with Natural, Outdoor Sticker Specialists,

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week. creates some really epic Outdoor Stickers… Beautifully designed, highly iconic, wilderness-centric, weatherproof stickers that create a mysterious feeling of serenity & nostalgia. 

10 Questions interview with

Bryant Aucoin runs the Colorado-based Sticker Company. He is an outdoor enthusiast, an adventurer, an entrepreneur. Years ago, when he and his then girlfriend (and current wife) were on their first of many road trips, they stumbled upon the idea of making stickers and it wasn’t long before Bryant assembled a crew of excellent illustrators and designers, (Kyla Edgar, Tanner Barkin, David Powell, Thiago Bainchini and Laszlo Ede) and embarked upon their new business,

We sat down with Bryant and fired of some questions, Ten of them to be exact… Come, Read “10 Questions with”


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10 Questions with Illustrator and Sticker Artist Aficionado, N.C. Winters

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.’

Pen in hand, our friend the esteemed San Diego based artist, illustrator and pencil provocateur, N.C. Winters knows his way around a sheet of paper. N.C. draws a lot. He draws from the early morning, over a cup of dark roasted coffee, until the wee hours of morning when he begrudgingly retires to bed. He scrawls on napkins at restaurants and doodles during re-runs of Bob’s Burgers. He even draws in the shower with some kind of magical waterproof paper, where many of his best ideas come from.. 

Wow, you guys were fast. We’re all out of N.C.’s Stickers. If you missed out, get in touch with N.C. Maybe he’s got a secret stash. Note: We are giving away some of N.C.’s awesome new silkscreen Stickers. (We know they are awesome because we printed them.) Leave a comment and Share this post. See detailsbelow. 

an interview about stickers wirth artist NC Winters 
Among his creative pursuits, NC puts a heavy focus on screen prints and posters, ranging from his many self-published art prints to a growing number of concert posters for platinum-selling bands like The Foo Fighters, Primus, and Queens of the Stone Age. He even works on officially licensed movie prints for 20th Century fox, including popular titles like Predator and Alien. 

Stickers play a big role in his work too, where he designs silkscreen stickers which he includes with his hundreds of print orders. We had a proverbial sit down with N.C. (his friends call him N.C. for short) and asked him 10 questions about Stickers… Let’s get to it.

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10 Questions with Sticker Artist and Skate Graphic Guru, Jimbo Philips

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.’

Jimbo Phillips makes this illustration stuff look easy. Known for his bold, iconic, skate-culture artwork and illustration, Jimbo works from his Santa Cruz, California studio, churning out Stickers, Skate Board, Snow Board and T-Shirt graphics like there’s no tomorrow. Note: We are giving away some of Jimbo’s awesome new Stickers. Leave a comment, Share this post & see details below. 10 questions with sticker artist jimbo philips He is as talented and prolific as you would expect from the son of legendary Skate artist Jim Phillips. (Yeah the same Jim Phillips that drew the undeniably iconic 80s O.G. “Screaming Hand” for Santa Cruz Skates.) But Jimbo stands under no one’s umbrella. He has created his own empire and deserves nothing but respect for his cringe-worthy, confrontational, dripping, puking, eye-bulging imagery.  So let’s jump right into it. 10 Questions with Jimbo Phillips! 


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10 Questions with the Belgian Sticker Artist, Citizen Panic

On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week.’

His name is Citizen Panic and he lives in a quaint little town just outside the city of Brussels, Belgium where by day he makes graphics for a European chain of high profile Super Markets and where by night, he draws nocturnal, LSD-laiden flying rodents and lidless skulls, writhing zombies, and vampires. It’s there, from the tranquility of his home studio, that he creates his fantastic pen and ink illustrations and iconic silkscreen sticker designs. We love his work, so we asked him 10 questions… 

Note: We are giving away some of Citizen Panic’s awesome new Stickers & T shirts. Leave a comment, Share this post to enter.

 10 questions with belgian sticker artist citizen panic


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10 Questions +1 with Sticker Artist, Zombie Yeti

 On a regular basis we’ll ask a new sticker artist a series of 10 questions. To keep things simple and to engage in a deeply philosophical, long term case study of the scientifically complicated “Sticker Artist’s mind,” we’ve decided to leave the questions the same every week. 

Zombie Yeti is good at life. An extremely talented illustrator, with an insatiable appetite for learning new skills and furthering his creative chops, ZY’s artwork translates perfectly to the sticker medium, where he has printed dozen of custom sticker designs over the years.

In the graphic design world, Zombie Yeti is the consummate pro and can draw like there’s no tomorrow, which has paved the way to successful working relationships with organizations like Microsoft, Adidas, Harley Davidson,  Beats by Dre, Star Wars, X Games, DC Shoes, and Stern Pinball (Holy Shit. Check out his brand new Ghostbusters Pinball Machine at the end of this post!)

His twisted sensibilities and humorous creative approach seems to work particularly well within the music industry as he continues to turn-out custom, silkscreen gig posters for bands like The Melvins, Primus, Mud Honey, 311, Puscifer, Sublime, and too many more to count.

We could sing his praises for days at least one more paragraph, but instead let’s just ask him some questions..


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Sticker Robot Custom Stickers