Archive for the 'Artist Stickers' Category

The Power of the Slightly Enigmatic Text-Only Bumper Sticker

Oh the power of the slightly enigmatic text-only bumper sticker. The simplicity. The readability. The utterly compelling need to know more.

We’ve collected a few of our favorite bewildering bumper sticker specimens to show you today. These are the type of stickers that’ll make you do a double take and ponder if you may be glancing at some concrete proof of the simulation theory…

rectangular text only bumper sticker Read More

Good Works Sticker Project Featuring Tragic Girls Co. in Support of NAMI

Sticker Robot’s Good Works Sticker Project Presents…

A Limited Edition Sticker by Katie Mansfield / Tragic Girls in Support of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Each Order will receive the limited edition Tragic Girl silkscreen sticker and 100% Mega Baddie Bookmark Sticker. Amazing Artist. Rad Sticker. Good Cause.. It doesn’t get any badder than that.

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A Dia de Los Muertos Sticker Giveaway


Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of @misnopales.

How to Get Your Free Day of the Dead Stickers:

Today, for a limited time we are launching a very special Dia de Los Muertos S.A.S.E. campaign featuring the AMAZING stickers of Jose Pulido AKA @misnopales

We love Jose. (You may remember him from Our Interview a ways back.) We have been working with him for a long time and we have amassed HUNDREDS of his incredible Pop Culture Calavera Characters. To celebrate the upcoming Dia de Los Muertos, we are giving them away for FREE!

Epic Dia de Los Muertos Stickers

Yep, that’s right.  We’re sending out FREE STICKERS by Jose Pulido to anyone who sends a self addressed stamped envelope to:


P.O. BOX 1189 



What ‘s an S.A.S.E. !?

Remember getting a real letter in the mail ? An S.A.S.E is a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Simply send us 2 envelopes. One is addressed to us. Inside that envelope is another envelope, addressed to you, with a stamp on it.


Which Calavera will you get? 

Its a calavera mystery but its guaranteed to make you happy.   I mean look at this collection!  GET YOUR SASE IN THE MAIL ASAP.  

As a thank you to Jose Pulido for making this incredible giveaway possible, we’d love for you to share your favorite @misnopales sticker on social media on Dia de Los Muertos (November 1, 2022).  And make sure to Tag @Stickerobot too so we can re-share as well :)

Sticker Assortment by Jose Pulido

Which Calaveras will you get ? It’s a mystery….

Spread the Love to your Friends and Family!  

Send an SASE addressed to yourself and your bff.  They will get the best surprise in the mail.  

We are accepting and stuffing envelopes until October 31st or until we run out of stickers – whichever comes first!

Remember to follow @Misnopales on Instagram. You won’t regret it. And check out his website for more stickers, prints, pins, t-shirts and more. 🖤

A Sticker Fundraiser with Artist Mab Graves

Sticker Robot’s Good Works Sticker Project Presents…

A Limited Edition Sticker by Mab Graves in Support of The Trevor Project. 

Mab’s incredible artwork is inspired by her dear friend and artist, the late Martin Harris. Sales from this sticker will be donated to The Trevor Project: the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ young people.

Mab Graves is an incredible artist and human being and we are thrilled that her gorgeous new sticker marks our first release as a part of The Good Works Sticker Project  ❤️🤖

Please read below for Mab’s own words on what this project means to her.

Update! YEEEEE!! This is our happiest post of 2022. Thanks to the incredible @mabgraves and ALL OF YOU this sticker generated $4,685 in support of @trevorproject. We are going to round that donation amount up to $5000. (That’s FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!)

What an amazing community you all are. And to Mab ❤️, thank you for being both the most inspiring artist and the most inspiring human.

This fundraiser is officially closed, but the amazing work of @trevorproject continues and that deserves the biggest THANK YOU of all. ❤️🤖

Pricing transparency: Total Purchase Cost is $6. $5 per sticker will be donated to: The Trevor Project. $1 of purchase cost will be used for postage and handling.

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Introducing the Greatest Sticker Covered Mailbox Ever

There’s never been a question of whether or not Skate Artist, Jimbo Phillips knows how to make rad art. (Spoiler alert for the uninitiated: He absolutely DOES!)

His iconic art style has stood out from the crowd in every industry he’s entered into. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that he has now managed to introduce his work to a new untapped industry…. with the help of his amazing wife and the power of silkscreen stickers!

We are proud to present to you THE. GREATEST. MAILBOX. EVER!

Jimbo Phillips One of a kind Sticker Covered Mailbox
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Want Some Homer Simpson Calavera Stickers ?

Sharing is caring, kids, and because we care so damn much, we had to share the latest Jose Pulido Calavera sticker campaign… Oh, and tell you how you can help him get his new stickers printed and be handsomely rewarded! The latest welcome victim to Jose’s “Dia De Los Muertos” Sticker Arsenal is Homer Calavera, appropriately 1 part sugar and 1 part skull. 1 part duff beer and one part donut. custom day of the dead stickers Read More
Sticker Robot Custom Stickers