Archive for the 'Social' Category

Instagram, Silkscreen Stickers, and Corey Feldman as Batman

You like the Instagram? Yeah, so do we. Follow us over here. We can discuss the finer intricacies of high quality silkscreen sticker printing, Ben Affleck as Batman, and the many sweaters of Bill Cosby…

Here’s a small sampling of silkscreen stickers that we posted over the last couple months. Click to embiggen. Oh and we do Sticker Giveaways all the time, so make like a shadow and follow us .

Anyone Wanna Instagram ?

We’re on Instagram. Come Join us. We can discuss the finer intricacies of high quality silkscreen sticker printing, rainbows and highly adhesive diabolical hotdogs!

Here’s a small sampling of images we posted over the last couple weeks. Do a Clicker for a closeup. And Check Our Sticker Page on Instagram.

This is Sticker Robot’s Google+ Page. There are Many Others Like It, but This One is Ours….

We are finally starting to dig our proverbial heels in and generating some fresh sticker related content over at our Google+ space.  We also recently set up a Sticker Community. So if you wanna get all intimate with us and discuss the deep adhesive meaning of all things vinyl, there’s no better time and there’s no better place..

Join us in G+ Land!

sticker community google plus +

We so Social….

If we’re not taking this relationship too fast, I do think it’s time we should really take it to the next level and pin, tweet, like, flick, post, vim, clip, flip, toast and generally get social with each other… What do you say ?

Click the Robot, follow the links & feel the warmth of the loving embrace that is us. Together. For ever. And ever…


social robot

Sticker Robot Custom Stickers